What does ‘Co-ordinated Interdisciplinary Intervention’ look like?
All the current standards for brain injury rehabilitation call for ‘co-ordinated interdisciplinary intervention’, we have a view about what that means to us at The Oakleaf Group.
The Oakleaf Group employs a full team of specialist clinical staff and therapists. By organising our team in this way we can always be sure that the most appropriate member of the team is available to engage in an activity with a resident during the sessional day. We can guarantee that the programme designed for each person is flexible and responsive in order to support their progression and recovery but offers the right degree of structure and routine to aid orientation.
Review meetings are held at regular intervals to analyse progress in recovery. These meetings are attended by members of the therapy team who have taken time to get to know the resident through working directly with them and can answer any questions you have.
Oakleaf recognise that this can be an incredibly difficult, stressful and unsettling time for families so we employ a full-time Family Liaison Worker whose role is to provide information, support and reassurance to family members.
Brain injury is a multi-faceted disability which requires a specialist, interdisciplinary approach, including assessment of both health care and social care needs in the context of the person’s life before their brain injury, involving their family and supporters and considering the person’s future life options. The Oakleaf team take their time to really get to know people, to understand them and to engage in a meaningful and honest way.
The multi-disciplinary team meet weekly to discuss any emerging issues and to discuss and problem solve ways to improve the programmes where needed.
The team communicates regularly with all parties formally and informally, sometimes, just making a call to say the resident has had a good experience today. For us it’s not just about working towards the next review, every day counts.