Your first priority when referring a person to a specialised brain injury service is finding the right care package to meet that person’s needs and to optimise their recovery, we share that aim with you. 

However, increased scrutiny of the cost of specialised care packages means that you also need to consider the value for money of each placement.  The Oakleaf Group offers a range of services, a range of price bands and other opportunities to demonstrate best value to the commissioners at the start and throughout a person’s stay with us.  We pride ourselves on creating a balance between high quality, personalised services and transparent fee bands so you can see what you are getting for your money.

How do you know if you are getting the best-value care package for the person you represent?

We understand

Pressure on funding for specialist care packages is increasing and referrers are being asked to provide more and more evidence that the cost of each comprehensive package of care being provided:

  • Is appropriate to the needs of the person.
  • Will change in relation to the progress made by the person.
  • Meets the criteria for the appropriate level of funding.
  • Provides longer-term cost benefit to the wider health and social care economy.
  • Won’t deliver any unexpected costs that are not accounted for.

The Oakleaf team understands the difficulties faced by the referrers and funders.  We surveyed our commissioners who asked us to look at how we structure our fees to help provide the evidence needed to support the placement and progression of a person in Oakleaf services.

To this end we have ‘banded’ our prices to help you to demonstrate the level of funding required to support each individual at every stage of their rehabilitation journey.

All our fees:

  • Are linked to the clinical, therapeutic and support needs of the individual at each stage of their journey.
  • Demonstrate the degree of therapeutic input being delivered to the person at each stage.
  • Are checked at the time of each review meeting to assess whether the person’s support needs have changed and if costs can be reduced.
  • Are inclusive of all aspects of clinical input, therapy and support provided within the specified band (other than continuous 1:1 support which we charge on an individual, as required basis).
  • Link to tools used by funders to assess levels of funding.  This is reflected in the structure of our review reports to help you make the assessment more easily.
  • May be subject to discounted rates if certain criteria are met.  Can be discussed in the context of bespoke packages of care.
Admission Criteria
(CQC regulated activities for treatment of disease, disorder or injury and accommodation with nursing)

  • Over 18 years of age
  • Male
  • Requiring specialised brain injury rehabilitation (acute or community) or long term care/end-of-life/respite care
  • Medically stable post brain injury
  • Not detained under The Mental Health Act (can accept people on S17 Leave or Community Treatment Orders)
  • May have other complex health needs e.g. epilepsy, physical needs (wheelchair user, PEG feed, tracheostomy care, palliative care), diabetes
  • May have challenging behaviour requiring a consistent behavioural approach