The Oakleaf Group provides a pathway of rehabilitation and care to meet current and changes needs.  This Care Pathway demonstrates how it provides services that are designed to meet the changing needs of those who have suffered and acquired brain injury.

The range of services provided by The Oakleaf Group form the  pathway of care:

  • Assessment and Specialist Rehabilitation including Stroke Pathway
  • Community Rehabilitation
  • Long Term/Maintenance packages of care
  • End-of-life and Palliative Care
  • Respite Care

Call us today on 01604 864 466 to talk about your requirements

Assessment and Specialised Rehabilitation

The focus of admission is for the interdisciplinary team to assess residents’ needs around their medical, physical, cognitive, psychological, behavioural and communication skills with the ultimate aim of maximising independence.

Community Services With Graded Support

Shared accommodation in residential areas of Northampton which provide ongoing support to men who are unable to live independently or require further support to build on existing skills prior to moving on to more independent living.

Maintenance & Long Term Services

Longer term facilities with 24 hour specialised qualified nursing for residents requiring a specialist environment to manage more complex health and nursing needs and who may require palliative or end of life care.